Search for Players by First Name!
By First Name, or by Full Name
With this update, I've added first and last name data for nearly every player in the Registry, so you can search by any combination of the two. Players with very distinct first names can be found more easily now, but you can also simply search by the full name if the first name is common:

Of course, you can still search by last-name-only or the in-game name (i.e. "I.Suzuki" or "Cueto").
The autocomplete fields in the Sandbox and Best Lineup will also work with first names now too!

Best Lineup

Finally, I've added nicknames for certain players. This includes the side-text for Legends, but there are a bunch of easter eggs to find, too! This is my favorite one:

I'll be adding more as I think of them (and as the mood strikes).
Thank you!
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